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Posted By | May 28 2015 | Firm News, Theft & Property Crimes

Man charged with motor vehicle theft in Colorado

When an individual takes something that does not belong to him or her, that individual could find him or herself in a very serious situation. If the incident is minor and the items are returned, the situation may resolve itself. However, there are other instances in which theft is considered a serious offense and an…

Posted By | May 21 2015 | Criminal Defense, Firm News

Colorado teacher taken into custody for alleged sex offenses

When an individual is accused of a serious crime, he or she may have an out-of-control train of thought as to how to deal with the situation. Individuals who have been charged with sex offenses may wonder whether entering a guilty plea could be the best option or whether defending their innocence may be better…

Posted By | May 14 2015 | Domestic Violence, Firm News

Info regarding Colorado domestic violence case should be examined

The information surrounding a situation of alleged criminal activity is important for various aspects of a case. Authorities need to determine what may have taken place, who was possibly involved and whether charges may be appropriate. This information is also important in court proceedings. If an individual has been charged with domestic violence, the presentation…

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