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Posted By | October 30 2015 | Criminal Defense, Firm News

Authorities file child abuse charges after finding drugs in home

A Colorado mother is in police custody after her son allegedly made a concerning comment to the authorities. Police were following up on suspicions of drug activity at a local apartment when the incident supposedly occurred. The mother’s charges include child abuse, theft and possession of drug paraphernalia, among other allegations. When detectives showed up to…

Posted By | October 14 2015 | Drunk Driving, Firm News

What to do if charged with drunk driving in Colorado

If a person plans to imbibe while he or she is socializing with friends or at a family celebration, it is advisable to act with caution when traveling to and from one’s destination. However, sometimes poor choices are made, and someone who gets behind the wheel of a motor vehicle is pulled over by police….

Posted By | October 7 2015 | Drunk Driving, Firm News

DUI charge follows crash damaging 6 cars, 3 houses in Colorado

Colorado Springs police arrested an 18-year-old driver after an extraordinary chain of events on a recent Saturday morning. In a bizarre crash, six cars and three homes were damaged. Had one person not moved out of one of the residences the previous day, a fatality might have been added to the list of destruction. The…

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