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Posted By | June 23 2020 | Blog, DUI, Firm News

Guilty plea after DUI arrest costs police officer his job

Colorado law enforcement officers are vigilant in looking for drivers who might be driving under the influence. Anyone can face DUI charges. It may lead to significant penalties personally and professionally. This was evident in the case of a former law enforcement officer who was charged with DUI. The 32-year-old officer issued a guilty plea…

Posted By | June 15 2020 | DUI, Firm News

Don’t say these things if you’re pulled over for suspicion of DUI

Any time you take to the roads of Colorado, it’s critical to do so with your safety and well-being in mind. This means many things, such as avoiding alcohol before getting behind the wheel. Despite the dangers of drinking and driving, this is a relatively simple mistake to make. For example, you don’t think you’ve…

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