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Posted By | November 28 2016 | Firm News, Theft & Property Crimes

Colorado fire chief accused of theft of department funds

Everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes these mistakes are small and only cause minor problems; sometimes these mistakes are more serious in nature and come with more serious consequences. Regardless, when a Colorado resident makes a mistake in judgment and is then accused of theft, it is time for that individual to seek assistance. Money is often…

Posted By | November 22 2016 | Drunk Driving, Firm News

Colorado law enforcement on alert for drunk driving over holidays

Over the Thanksgiving holidays, many will travel to visit friends and family throughout Colorado. The air will be filled with celebration as everyone gathers together to enjoy each other’s company. As friends and family share their holiday feast, it is likely that many will also share a drink or two. If this is the case,…

Posted By | November 16 2016 | Drunk Driving, Firm News

Charges of drunk driving serious matter for Colorado driver

Traffic accidents occur on a regular basis along Colorado roadways. Something happens and a driver misjudges a situation or becomes distracted and there is a collision. Along with such an unfortunate incident comes the damage to the cars and the possible injury to the drivers and passengers involved in the accident. In many cases, police…

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