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Posted By | April 29 2016 | Drunk Driving, Firm News

We can help you keep your driving privileges after a DUI arrest

From traveling to school and work to simply transporting groceries home, the ability to drive a motor vehicle can have a profound impact on a person’s life. However, a single DUI charge can change all of that. Most people in Colorado already know that their licenses will be suspended following arrests for alleged drunk driving,…

Posted By | April 22 2016 | Firm News, Theft & Property Crimes

Postal worker previously accused of theft now charged with fraud

A federal indictment against a former U.S. Postal Service worker claims that the woman wrongly collected workers’ compensation. Prosecutors claim that she collected these benefits for total disability while not actually suffering from physical impairments that prevented her from attending work. These accusations follow previous federal felony charges of theft of mail and embezzlement, for which…

Posted By | April 14 2016 | Criminal Defense, Firm News

Bill concerning teen sex offenses defeated by lawmakers

A bill that sought to change consequences for teenage sexting recently failed to gain legal grounding. The Colorado House defeated the bill, which means that consensual sexting between teenagers can still result in minors being charged with sex offenses. As it currently stands, sexting — or sending nude photos through texting or smart phone apps…

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