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Posted By | December 23 2014 | Felonies, Firm News

Search warrant leads to arrest of 5 people for drug offenses

Being charged for drug offenses is typically frightening, especially when freedom is on the line. Recently, Colorado authorities in Monte Vista arrested five people for a number of drug offenses and other criminal charges.  Reports indicate that a SWAT team was involved in this matter. Apparently, authorities were able to get a warrant to search…

Posted By | December 19 2014 | Drunk Driving, Firm News

Colorado resident arrested for DUI and traffic violations

Being charged with DUI can be one of the most stressful and frightening events in a person’s life. The thought of serious consequences that could lead to financial difficulties or even jail time can cause many sleepless nights. Fortunately for those arrested on suspicion of drunk driving in Colorado, a DUI charge does not mean an automatic conviction….

Posted By | December 10 2014 | Drunk Driving, Firm News

U.S. Supreme Court may hear Colorado DUI case

When someone is faced with DUI charges after an arrest in Colorado it can be daunting and worrisome. However, there may be various options available for an effective DUI defense strategy. Many times a case will offer possible effective arguments around the legitimacy of the evidence against the defendant. A Colorado DUI case that may soon be…

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