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Posted By | January 28 2016 | Felonies, Firm News

10 arrested on drug offenses, dozens of others investigated

As heroin use becomes more widespread across the United States, police organizations in Colorado are just some of the countless law enforcement agencies doubling their drug-related efforts. Area police officers recently took 10 people into custody on the suspicion of drug offenses specifically related to heroin. Since the investigation is still ongoing, it is possible…

Posted By | January 21 2016 | Felonies, Firm News

No word on criminal defense decision for university student

A college student was recently taken into custody by Colorado University police. Charged with a class 5 felony for the alleged use of a stun gun during a theft, she has several options for a possible criminal defense at her disposal. So far, her status as a student at the university does not appear to…

Posted By | January 13 2016 | Drunk Driving, Firm News

Police hold hospitalized man in custody for drunk driving

The severity of drunk driving charges can be influenced by any number of influences, including a driver’s speed or his or her blood-alcohol content. When an injury or death is allegedly caused by drunk driving, the driver can face especially severe consequences. If drunk driving charges are ultimately filed against a man currently in police…

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