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Our Blog

Posted By | December 19 2017 | Blog, Firm News

Should you agree to take a chemical test for DUI?

When an officer pulls you over on suspicion of drunk driving, he or she will likely require you to take a test to determine intoxication. One may be a field sobriety test that examines your coordination and other skills, which is not reliable and not a requirement either. Another request may be for a chemical test,…

Posted By | December 11 2017 | Blog, Firm News

How many drinks does it take to get drunk?

You know you should not drink and drive, but does that mean you cannot even have just one drink when you are out? After all, there is no way one cup of booze could impair you enough to get a DUI, right? Unfortunately, there is no cut-and-dry answer. Due to numerous factors that affect the…

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