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Posted By | September 19 2017 | Blog, Firm News

The difference between reckless and careless driving

With so many ways you can commit a traffic violation, it can be hard to understand what charges you face when the police give you a ticket or arrest you. Broad terms that cover a number of illegal driving behaviors can make things even more confusing. For example, you have probably heard of reckless driving, but…

Posted By | September 8 2017 | Blog, Firm News

A quick guide to the differences between DUI and DWAI

Two different alcohol-related driving crimes exist in the state of Colorado: driving under the influence (DUI) and driving while ability is impaired (DWAI). This can be confusing since DUI is the more popular acronym. You might wonder how they differ and what will happen if you get charged with either for the first time.  DUIs and DWAIs mostly…

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