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Posted By | September 28 2014 | Felonies, Firm News

Salesman is arrested for sex offenses against possible customer

Door-to-door salesmen are not often accused of sexual assaults by their prospective customers. It does happen, however, and thus it is important for their employers to do a thorough check on their backgrounds. In one recent incident in Colorado, a 26-year-old man with an alleged prior criminal record was arrested for allegedly pushing his way…

Posted By | September 26 2014 | Felonies, Firm News

Absence of marijuana drug offenses may free up police agencies

Now that drug offenses in Colorado do not include arrests for pot, the time is approaching when long-term conclusions may possibly be made about the efficacy and safety of the state’s ground-breaking move. The fact is that about 42 percent of arrests for drug offenses throughout the country are for marijuana possession, and that was…

Posted By | September 18 2014 | Criminal Defense, Firm News

Colorado student arrested for alleged Internet sex offenses

There are a flood of arrests and prosecutions occurring nowadays in connection with alleged child pornography taking place on the Internet. A student at the University of Colorado is one of the latest individuals accused of sex offenses involving the use of the Internet. From a defense point of view, such allegations are sometimes exaggerated…

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