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Posted By | September 17 2018 | Criminal Defense, Drunk Driving, DUI, Firm News, Traffic Offenses

3 possible outcomes of a DUI traffic stop

Around major holidays, it is not uncommon to hear about law enforcement establishing sobriety checkpoints to ensure drivers are not under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Even when it is not a holiday weekend, there are typically cops on the road patrolling for drivers they suspect may be inebriated. There are many reasons why…

Posted By | September 3 2018 | Criminal Defense, Firm News

Reckless endangerment: putting someone else at risk

You didn’t mean for it to happen, but when you and a few of your buddies were horsing around, one of them sustained an injury. Now, you are facing reckless endangerment charges because it was your actions that caused your friend’s injury. You and other Colorado residents should understand the circumstances and penalties surrounding this…

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