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Posted By | January 23 2015 | Felonies, Firm News

Man offering free massages in custody for sex offenses

Understandably, a sex crime arrest is serious. Colorado residents who are accused of sex offenses are at risk of losing their freedom. A criminal conviction could impact them for the rest of their lives. A man offering free massages is being investigated for sexual assault. He has already been arrested in connection with one incident….

Posted By | January 14 2015 | Firm News, Theft & Property Crimes

Man arrested for car theft in Colorado Springs

Colorado prosecutors take theft charges seriously and, based upon competent proof, will stop at nothing to obtain convictions to the fullest extent. A 28-year-old man was arrested for car theft and other charges. As with any criminal case, the fact that the man was charged means only that he has been accused and does not…

Posted By | January 8 2015 | Drunk Driving, Firm News

Could a third DUI turn into a felony in Colorado?

A DUI charge is not an easy matter for those who are arrested. Now, DUI charges in Colorado could be stricter if a new law is passed. Reports indicate that a proposed law would make one’s third DUI a felony. Currently, Colorado is among only a few other states that do not have DUIs classified as…

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