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Posted By mcadams.admin | October 25 2023 | Blog, Criminal Defense, Felonies

Am I Being Detained? Questions You Should Ask During a Police Interaction

Interactions with law enforcement can be intimidating, causing someone to forget certain rights are still available to any Coloradan during questioning. It may be a natural reaction to answer every question asked, but you also have the right to ask questions to understand what is taking place. Law enforcement interactions have the potential to lead…

Posted By mcadams.admin | October 12 2023 | Blog, Criminal Defense, Felonies

What is Guilt by Association?

Most everyone knows of someone who has committed a crime. But knowing this individual, even when a close relationship exists, does not make you guilty of a crime. A false notion often exists that because someone knows an individual who commits illegal activity, that person must also commit the same acts. Guilt by association results…

Posted By mcadams.admin | September 21 2023 | Blog, Domestic Violence, Felonies

What’s the Difference Between Violence and Abuse?

The words violence and abuse are often confused, but they have different meanings. Initially, the distinctions between the two may not appear monumental, but accusations of one of these acts should be taken seriously in Colorado. Confusing the two words happens because they are used interchangeably in conversation, by organizations, and by legal entities. Let’s…

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