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Important facts about restraining orders in Colorado

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Posted By | August 28 2019 | Domestic Violence, Firm News

There are a few different reasons people pursue restraining orders. While they are in place to protect citizens, they can inadvertently endanger not-guilty parties.

In fact, some people may find themselves facing domestic violence charges in relation to a restraining order. For those in such situations, it is important to understand a few key facts about the order.

Colorado restraining orders

In short, a restraining order is a court order that prevents a party from performing a specific act. While most people may think of a restraining order preventing a party from coming within a certain distance of another party, some restraining orders impose additional restrictions. For example, there is a type of restraining order that prevents parties from utilizing certain joint accounts during divorce proceedings. The restraining order may be for a certain amount of time or permanently, as outlined in Colorado’s civil protection order laws


When a party requests a restraining order, the accused party has the opportunity to contest it. Even if a judge awards an emergency order, being that it is a temporary order, parties may contest its . Emergency orders are usually granted when the accusing party claims assault. To avoid further charges moving forward, accused parties should try to fight such claims, especially if they are false.


Some individuals may agree to the order to simply move on with their lives. However, it is important to understand the possible ramifications and implications. While the protocol may seem somewhat different, a restraining order is a court charge. Parties should understand that if the restraining order is a civil or criminal charge. This may affect whether the charge shows up on future background checks.

As with proving or disproving any claim, having solid evidence is essential. It can also be beneficial to review the protective order laws in full to understand how they apply to the case.

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