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Posted By McAdams Law | January 7 2022 | DUI, Firm News

Warrants do not allow for DUI blood draws

A DUI conviction can have serious consequences on a driver, so it is necessary that police have the required evidence to convict someone of the crime. A blood test can often confirm if a driver had any drugs or alcohol in their system while driving, but obtaining it may not be as easy as police…

Posted By McAdams Law | December 3 2021 | DUI, Firm News

What happens if I miss my DUI court date?

Facing a driving under the influence (DUI) charge can be stressful. A DUI charge can result in expensive fines, jail time and a license suspension upon conviction. No one would like to face those punishments, which is why some people charged with DUI skip their court hearing thinking they can avoid conviction by doing so. …

Posted By McAdams Law | November 5 2021 | Criminal Defense, Firm News

Colorado puts firearm regulation in the hands of local government

In the past, Colorado had a preemption law. This law essentially meant cities could not enact gun regulations that were stricter than state regulations. That preemption law was overturned in June. As a result, communities can now pass laws, ordinances, and regulations at a more local level. This can include laws that prohibit the sale,…

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