Going to college comes with many life changes. In addition to independence, you may find yourself in different social situations than before you started school.
As you start to manage party invitations and schoolwork, it is still essential to consider how you will get home after a night of drinking. You know the legal consequences of a DUI, but a drunk driving conviction could impact your education and career.
Here’s what you should know about getting a DUI in college.
One of the goals of your school is to educate and send people out into the workforce who will make the school look good. A DUI conviction could impact your ability to find a job. The school may also see your criminal conviction as hurting their reputation.
Colleges and universities often see a DUI differently based on how you handle the situation. In some cases, if you are honest about your drunk driving charge soon after it happens, you might be able to work out an agreement with the school to maintain your status.
A DUI can also affect your financial aid. While your school might be willing to work with you to stay in school, some scholarship providers are not as forgiving.
When you apply for a job, there are a few ways your future employer will decide if you are a good fit for the job. You may need to submit to a background check or a licensing procedure during the hiring process for many careers.
In some cases, having any criminal conviction on your record will mean missing out on the job. While some employers might allow you to explain your history, others may pass you over in favor of someone without a criminal record.
Drinking and driving is dangerous, and a DUI can have serious consequences on your future.