Relationships are difficult. Even couples who are compatible and deeply in love inevitably fight, and sometimes those fights can become volatile. When voices are raised and passions are high, it can be difficult to control emotions and reign in impulses. This is the situation that often precedes instances of domestic violence. If it sounds familiar, you could be facing such charges and wondering what to do.
The term “domestic violence” conjures up images of physical harm and battery, but in reality, it does not always have to be physical at all. In fact, you might face charges of domestic violence without ever hurting the alleged victim. Consider the following three ways that this charge can stem from a nonphysical offense.
1. Making verbal threats
According to the National Domestic Violence Hotline, domestic violence includes verbal threats and intimidation. It might be difficult to imagine that a verbal exchange can constitute violence, but in the state of Colorado, this is often true. Any verbal threat of violence or other abuse language could be grounds to have a domestic abuse charge or restraining order filed against you.
2. Damaging property
If you damage the personal property of another person, the law may deem this to be a form of domestic violence. In the heat of a moment, it can be tempting to take your anger out on inanimate objects, and this is certainly better than harming another person. Breaking their belongings, though, can still land you facing charges of domestic violence—and you will likely have to pay restitution for the damage.
3. Preventing access to support
Domestic violence does not have to be physical or verbal at all. Sometimes it manifests in a person’s social behaviors. One example of this is attempting to control a partner’s actions by preventing him or her from accessing outside support. This could mean preventing medical care, ending friendships or setting rules about behavior. The law considers this level of control over a partner to be domestic violence.