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Robbery and attempted homicide charges need criminal defense

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Posted By | October 10 2016 | Criminal Defense, Firm News

A robbery occurs, shots are fired and a call is placed seeking assistance from Colorado law enforcement. This scenario leads to officers looking for a certain color and model of car. It is possible that they even know the approximate age and number of people that should be in that car. If a car fitting the necessary description is spotted, the occupants will suddenly find themselves in need of a criminal defense.

On a recent weeknight, police received just such a call around 11 p.m. A robbery had occurred, and shots had been fired during the robbery. The caller described the vehicle being used as a gold Cadillac.

Police responded to the scene and spotted a gold Cadillac in the area. They gave chase and eventually stopped the car. There were a total of five individuals in the car; one has been charged with robbery, one has been charged with attempted homicide and as of right now, no charges have been filed against the other three.

The two individuals who have been charged will be required to answer these charges in a Colorado court of law. In doing so, they will best be served by each working with a criminal defense team to ensure that their rights are protected. This team will want to review the evidence linking the individual to the crime for which he has been accused. Additionally, they will want to make sure that evidence was properly gathered and is relevant to the individual and the crime. Criminal defense matters are ones in which the individual will want to have an experienced team working on his or her defense.

Source:, “Robbery suspect arrested after leading police on chase in southern Colorado Springs“, Angela Case, Oct.6, 2016

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