Greeley had the highest reported crime rate in 2015 of any northern Colorado city, according to a Tribune analysis it conducted based on Colorado Bureau of Investigation data. The city also had the most per capita reported crimes in 2015, in comparison to Fort Collins, Boulder, Loveland and Longmont. The city also has the highest arrest rate in the region, raising the need for a strong criminal defense bar to handle the necessary defenses for those accused and arrested.
At the same time, Greeley had an almost 16 percent reduction in reported crimes from 2014 to 2015, which far outpaced all neighboring communities. Statewide crime statistics reportedly mark the city as a place with a reputation for a busy police force. Its police chief, Jerry Garner, noted that he doesn’t worry about the high crime rates.
Instead, the chief stressed the overall reduction of Part One crimes, which include murder, rape and theft. They were down an overall 19 percent in the same period. The city’s arrest numbers also outpaced all northern Colorado cities, even those that have higher populations. In 2015, Greeley police arrested 5,392 people.
Greeley’s police department has an excellent record for clearing its cases, according to Chief Garner. Thus, it has one of the highest crime rates but, according to the chief, acts swiftly and effectively to get its cases cleared out. From the perspective of criminal defense attorneys who handle cases in the city, however, there may be a different focus in thinking.
While Chief Garner is understandably concerned with getting the prosecutions approved and moving through the system, the criminal defense bar must provide the strongest and most effective defense to those charged with crime. Every defendant deserves and must receive effective assistance of counsel, as required by the Colorado and federal Constitutions. In order to assure receiving the most effective defense assistance, accused persons will benefit most by consulting with attorneys who have substantial experience and success in handling the defense of serious criminal matters
Source:, “Greeley reports highest reported crime and arrest numbers in northern Colorado“, James Redmond, July 5, 2016