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Reported car accident leads to DUI charge in Colorado

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Posted By | August 6 2015 | Drunk Driving, Firm News

If a driver is involved in an accident that results in the death of an individual, the circumstances under which the accident took place could prove vital. These circumstances could play a role in whether an individual faces serious charges for the alleged situation. If authorities believe that a death was caused by a drunk driver, that driver will likely face charges for DUI and other allegations.

One man in Colorado may wish to assess his defense options after being charged in a similar reported incident. Reports indicated that police believed that the driver of a vehicle was racing when he purportedly failed to navigate a curve in the road. As a result, the vehicle did not remain on the roadway, and a person was reportedly hit by the vehicle. 

The person suffered fatal injuries in the incident, and his family believes that the victim was not near the road when he was hit. Authorities took the driver of the car into custody on charges of DUI, vehicular homicide and other alleged violations. It was reported that the driver’s blood-alcohol level was .133 percent and that he allegedly stated that he had been drinking before the accident.

The charges relating to this reported accident could lead to serious consequences for the man if he is convicted. Luckily, he has defensive options that could prove beneficial if he wishes to take advantage of them. Information on theses options and criminal proceedings in Colorado relating to DUI could help him determine how he may like to move forward with his case.

Source:, “Arrest Papers: Suspect In Deadly DUI Admitted To Drinking“, July 29, 2015

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