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Specialized DUI patrols on the rise

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Posted By William McAdams | February 26 2020 | Drunk Driving, DUI, Firm News

Police in Colorado may be stepping up efforts to arrest and charge people with DUIs. The Colorado Department of Transportation has launched a High Visibility Enforcement campaign to fund local police departments to have a visible presence on the roads late at night and boost patrols looking for drivers who may be operating their vehicles under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Local police agencies run targeted campaigns, often around heavily trafficked holiday periods, in which they aim to ramp up enforcement around DUI and related charges.

Increased DUI enforcement

When local police departments receive a grant for increased DUI enforcement, they agree to run at least 10 such campaigns throughout the year. The grants are supported by federal funding and administered through the state, and they are used to pay overtime salaries to police officers who work extra hours on DUI patrols. Officials say that the extra money is an incentive for police to work more hours and carry out more traffic stops for suspicion of DUI. Police are often trained in a number of techniques in order to evaluate drivers, although the reliability of these approaches may vary.

Methods for detecting impaired drivers

Police may use field sobriety tests to measure whether a person appears to be intoxicated. Unlike a breath or blood test, these are subjective rather than objective tests. Others may use a technique called Drug Influence Evaluation in an attempt to determine whether a driver is operating their vehicle under the influence of another drug rather than alcohol. Following cannabis legalization in Colorado, there has been an increased emphasis on drug-related DWAI arrests.

How to defeat DUI charges

Many people who face DUI charges may have just had a little too much to drink, and some police officers’ judgment may be questionable or excessive. An attorney with experience in DUI defense strategies may help people protect their rights and ability to drive.

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This page has been written, edited, and reviewed by a team of legal writers following our comprehensive editorial guidelines. This page was approved by Founding Partiner, William McAdams who has more than 25 years of legal experience as a personal injury attorney.