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Posted By | July 27 2014 | Firm News, Theft & Property Crimes

Make strong challenge to theft arrest where proof is lacking

Sometimes in Colorado or other states a person is being sought for separate criminal allegations in two, three, or more localities at the same time. With respect to theft and property crimes, such offenses do sometimes occur in serial form with a string of offenses carried out by the same perpetrator over an extended period….

Posted By | May 29 2014 | Firm News, Theft & Property Crimes

Report of marijuana theft in Colorado raises unique issues

Marijuana was recently legalized in Colorado, and a student at Northeastern Junior College reported that her bag of marijuana had been stolen from her dorm on move-out day. According to the young woman, she had placed a Ziploc bag under her doormat. She noted that the theft likely occurred in the short, three-minute window starting…

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