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Posted By | August 18 2016 | Firm News, Theft & Property Crimes

Felony theft charges filed against fire chief, wife

A fire chief and his wife are currently both in Colorado police custody on allegations that they engaged in criminal behavior while the husband was employed at an area fire department. Both individuals face charges for felony theft, while the former fire chief is facing three other charges, two of which are also felonies. Bond…

Posted By | May 12 2016 | Firm News, Theft & Property Crimes

Former bookkeeper dealing with felony theft charges

A 26-year-old bookkeeper is set to face a trial by jury later this year following her not guilty plea. Charged with multiple counts of felony theft, the woman’s arrest came after what authorities claim was some significant embezzlement on her part. However, since embezzlement is what is known as a nonviolent crime, even prosecutors think…

Posted By | May 3 2016 | Firm News, Theft & Property Crimes

Protecting personal rights when charged with theft in Colorado

Being accused of a criminal offense in Colorado does not constitute one’s guilt. The justice system in the United States presumes every defendant innocent unless proved otherwise by the prosecution and confirmed by the decision of a judge or jury. Therefore, anyone charged with theft or other criminal wrongdoing will want to make every effort…

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