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Posted By | September 26 2014 | Felonies, Firm News

Absence of marijuana drug offenses may free up police agencies

Now that drug offenses in Colorado do not include arrests for pot, the time is approaching when long-term conclusions may possibly be made about the efficacy and safety of the state’s ground-breaking move. The fact is that about 42 percent of arrests for drug offenses throughout the country are for marijuana possession, and that was…

Posted By | August 5 2014 | Felonies, Firm News

Marijuana sales reap revenues, arrests for drug offenses go down

The legalization of marijuana in Colorado has so far demonstrated some of the positive developments that the law’s supporters predicted. For example, it appears that a dent has been placed on black market illegal marketing of the drug. Arrests for drug offenses relating to marijuana are obviously down to nothing, although there remains a slew…

Posted By | July 21 2014 | Felonies, Firm News

Man held on felony drug offenses: growing pot without a license

The fact that marijuana has been legalized in Colorado does not mean that there are no criminal violations remaining on the books. For example, nowadays a person can be arrested for a felony violation of growing marijuana without a license. Prosecutors in Denver announced that a man was arrested for marijuana drug offenses dealing with…

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