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Posted By Bill McAdams | December 27 2024 | Drunk Driving, DUI, DWAI, Field Sobriety Tests, Firm News, Traffic Offenses

Can you refuse field sobriety tests in Colorado?

In Colorado, you have the right to decline a field sobriety test (FST) without facing immediate repercussions. These tests are entirely voluntary, unlike chemical tests that fall under the state’s Express Consent Law. Refusing a non-mandatory FST won’t lead to immediate legal or administrative penalties. Additionally, if you choose not to take the test, the…

Posted By Bill McAdams | October 25 2024 | DWAI

Can a DWAI Be Dismissed in Colorado?

While a DWAI charge comes with less severe penalties than a DUI charge in Colorado, it still has consequences. It is always important to consider your defense options, given the many possible implications of a DWAI charge. An experienced defense lawyer can identify any possible ways to defend against a DWAI charge, including potentially getting…

Posted By Bill McAdams | October 11 2024 | DUI, DWAI

Colorado DUI & DWAI Penalties

If arrested for drunk or impaired driving, your biggest concern is likely a potential DUI or DWAI conviction and its impact on your life. There is a possibility of probation, license suspension, license revocation, fines, and even jail time. If you find yourself fighting a potential charge, it is essential to understand the consequences of…

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