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Posted By | June 13 2018 | Criminal Defense, DUI, Field Sobriety Tests, Firm News

Breathalyzer accuracy can be challenged in DUI cases

If you have been arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol, you may be quite nervous, especially if this is your first offense. You took a breathalyzer test to determine your blood alcohol content level, but were the results accurate? An incident that occurred in Philadelphia illustrates that the equipment used in…

Posted By Bill McAdams | May 18 2018 | Criminal Defense, Drunk Driving, DUI, Firm News

How much does a DUI cost in Colorado?

If you receive a charge and subsequent conviction for drunk driving (DUI) in Colorado, you can anticipate considerable penalties if convicted. Depending on the details of your case, you may face jail time, fines, the loss of your license and related penalties. The fees and fines associated with a Colorado DUI conviction are substantial, and…

Posted By | March 20 2017 | DUI, Firm News

Were you charged with aggravated DUI?

There have probably been many Fridays where you spent most of your time at work looking forward to evenings and weekends ahead with friends. There’s nothing quite like kicking back and enjoying a nice relaxing night out after a week of long hours and hard work. Perhaps your plans sometimes include taking in a movie…

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