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Posted By Bill McAdams | January 29 2025 | Criminal Defense

Differences Between Parole and Probation in Colorado Courts

Timing, purpose, and implementation comprise a three-factor approach, where differences between parole and probation remain well differentiated under Colorado’s criminal justice system. McAdams Law Office focuses on Criminal Defense; the following describes the definition of each term and how this affects the Greeley, Colorado Charge. Both are alternatives to jail, but parole comes after someone…

Posted By Bill McAdams | January 29 2025 | Criminal Defense

2nd Degree Burglary Colorado Sentence

In Colorado, second-degree burglary can be classified as either a class 3 or class 4 felony, depending on the circumstances of the case. The penalties for this offense include prison time, parole, and fines, which vary based on the severity of the charge. For a class 4 felony, the prison sentence can range from 2…

Posted By Bill McAdams | January 29 2025 | DUI

How to Get Out of a DUI in Colorado

If you’re wondering how to get out of a DUI in Colorado, there are several common ways charges may be dismissed. One key reason could be a lack of sufficient grounds for the police to stop your vehicle. Another possibility is if there was no valid reason for you to perform field sobriety tests. In…

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