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Posted By Bill McAdams | December 27 2024 | DUI

How to Avoid Jail Time for DUI in Colorado

Facing a second DUI in Colorado is a daunting experience, particularly if you’re worried about the possibility of jail time. Many individuals ask, “Can I avoid jail time for 2nd DUI in Colorado?” The answer depends on various factors, including the circumstances of your arrest, the evidence presented, and your legal representation. At McAdams Law…

Posted By Bill McAdams | December 27 2024 | Drunk Driving, DUI, DWAI, Field Sobriety Tests, Firm News, Traffic Offenses

Can you refuse field sobriety tests in Colorado?

In Colorado, you have the right to decline a field sobriety test (FST) without facing immediate repercussions. These tests are entirely voluntary, unlike chemical tests that fall under the state’s Express Consent Law. Refusing a non-mandatory FST won’t lead to immediate legal or administrative penalties. Additionally, if you choose not to take the test, the…

Posted By Bill McAdams | December 16 2024 | Theft & Property Crimes

Strategies Your Lawyer May Use to Fight Burglary Charges in Colorado

Being accused of burglary can turn your life upside down, leaving you anxious about your future and unsure of what to do next. For many, the first step is understanding how to beat a burglary charge and what options are available to defend against the accusations. At McAdams Law Office in Greeley, CO, we know…

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