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Posted By Bill McAdams | October 25 2024 | Criminal Defense

2nd-Degree Burglary in Colorado

Second-degree burglary charges in Colorado can be a source of intense anxiety and fear for anyone facing them. The confusing legal definitions, varying classifications, and potentially severe penalties can be overwhelming and frightening. It’s natural to feel uncertain about your future when confronted with such serious accusations. However, you don’t have to face this situation…

Posted By Bill McAdams | October 25 2024 | Criminal Defense

1st-Degree Criminal Trespass in Colorado

1st-degree criminal trespass convictions in Colorado can have serious consequences, including potential jail time and costly fines. Additionally, a conviction can go on your record and affect your life for years to come, making it hard to get a job, get into college, or even rent an apartment. If you are charged with 1st-degree criminal…

Posted By Bill McAdams | October 25 2024 | DWAI

Can a DWAI Be Dismissed in Colorado?

While a DWAI charge comes with less severe penalties than a DUI charge in Colorado, it still has consequences. It is always important to consider your defense options, given the many possible implications of a DWAI charge. An experienced defense lawyer can identify any possible ways to defend against a DWAI charge, including potentially getting…

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