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Posted By Bill McAdams | December 30 2023 | Blog, Drunk Driving

Key Components of a Field Sobriety Test

Field sobriety tests (FST) are based on three tests to determine if a driver’s ability to operate a motor vehicle is impaired by drugs or alcohol. These standardized procedures are not without error and subjectivity, allowing for a solid DUI defense in Colorado if you are arrested. Drivers Can Refuse a Field Sobriety Test Refusing…

Posted By Bill McAdams | December 20 2023 | Drunk Driving

Challenging a Field Sobriety Test In Colorado

A Colorado DUI has an adverse impact on life, and the tests used to gauge a driver’s impairment level are not flawless. Challenging these tests is necessary and possible. Field sobriety tests (FST) can be influenced by various factors that should be thoroughly explored to present a formidable defense in a Colorado DUI arrest. The…

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