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Posted By Bill McAdams | April 29 2023 | Criminal Defense

Can You Pay a Fine Instead of Completing Community Service Hours

If you have been charged with a misdemeanor offense in Colorado, your sentencing and probation requirements may include community service as restitution. For some, it is easier to pay a fine. Payment of a penalty is faster, and it does not have to happen in a public setting. Are you allowed to forgo community service…

Posted By Bill McAdams | April 6 2023 | Domestic Violence

Can You Be a Commercial Driver With a DUI on Your Record

No one wants a driving infraction against their record, especially if driving is how you make a living. But alcohol-related offenses can be particularly damaging, jeopardizing your employment as a commercial driver and threatening your financial security. DUIs are severe offenses and require the guidance of a knowledgeable team in Greeley, Colorado that can build…

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