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Posted By Bill McAdams | February 16 2022 | Drunk Driving, Firm News

Why do Colorado police step up DUI arrests during holidays?

For most of us, the Super Bowl is a time to relax with friends and enjoy the big game. But during this most recent Super Bowl weekend, many Colorado State Patrol troopers and Greeley police were not at parties. They were patrolling the streets and highways, looking for drivers to pull over and charge with…

Posted By Bill McAdams | February 7 2022 | Blog, DUI, Firm News

Why should you refuse to take a field sobriety test?

If law enforcement stops you on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI), the officer may ask you to take the field sobriety test. What exactly is this and can you avoid taking it? About the test Officially, this is the Standardized Field Sobriety Test battery. There are three different tests: The One-Leg…

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