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Posted By Bill McAdams | November 5 2021 | Criminal Defense, Firm News

Colorado puts firearm regulation in the hands of local government

In the past, Colorado had a preemption law. This law essentially meant cities could not enact gun regulations that were stricter than state regulations. That preemption law was overturned in June. As a result, communities can now pass laws, ordinances, and regulations at a more local level. This can include laws that prohibit the sale,…

Posted By Bill McAdams | November 4 2021 | DUI, Firm News

“Blackout Wednesday” and increased DUI patrols

Whether people are getting together with out-of-town friends, family or vacationing co-workers, individuals see the Wednesday before Thanksgiving as the start to not only an extra-long weekend, but a way to kick off the entire holiday season. Unfortunately, with so many parties on the schedule, it is easy to overindulge and run the risk of…

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