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Posted By Bill McAdams | October 25 2021 | Blog, Criminal Defense, Firm News

What types of offenses result in license suspension in Colorado?

Law enforcement reports traffic infractions to the Colorado Department of Motor Vehicles. Some offenses result in points on your driver’s license record, which can lead to the loss of your driving privileges. Learn about the types of tickets and incidents that can result in license suspension in Colorado. Point suspension The court suspends the licenses…

Posted By Bill McAdams | October 15 2021 | Drunk Driving, Firm News

Could a DUI get me kicked out of school?

Going to college comes with many life changes. In addition to independence, you may find yourself in different social situations than before you started school. As you start to manage party invitations and schoolwork, it is still essential to consider how you will get home after a night of drinking. You know the legal consequences…

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