If you have a domestic dispute in Colorado, your spouse or romantic partner can file a civil protection order. Sometimes called a restraining order, a CPO may prevent you from living in the same home, contacting your partner, having custody of children or otherwise interfering with the filer’s daily life. Responding appropriately to a CPO…
The fact that you have been arrested on suspicion of DUI does not mean you have an alcohol abuse problem. But it could be a warning sign. Colorado law thinks so. Most jurisdictions give judges the power to order a defendant convicted of DUI to undergo evaluation for possible alcoholism prior to sentencing. The evaluation’s…
Let’s say that you are driving and a police car pulls you over. The officer asks you to turn over your bag so he or she can search it. You hesitate – after all, you do not want to provide any evidence that might incriminate you, even if you have done nothing wrong. You have…