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Posted By Bill McAdams | July 26 2021 | Domestic Violence, Firm News

Facing a Colorado civil protection order

If you have a domestic dispute in Colorado, your spouse or romantic partner can file a civil protection order. Sometimes called a restraining order, a CPO may prevent you from living in the same home, contacting your partner, having custody of children or otherwise interfering with the filer’s daily life. Responding appropriately to a CPO…

Posted By Bill McAdams | July 16 2021 | DUI, Firm News

Does a DUI arrest mean you have an alcohol problem?

The fact that you have been arrested on suspicion of DUI does not mean you have an alcohol abuse problem. But it could be a warning sign. Colorado law thinks so. Most jurisdictions give judges the power to order a defendant convicted of DUI to undergo evaluation for possible alcoholism prior to sentencing. The evaluation’s…

Posted By Bill McAdams | July 12 2021 | Criminal Defense, Firm News

Can a police officer look in my wallet, purse or backpack?

Let’s say that you are driving and a police car pulls you over. The officer asks you to turn over your bag so he or she can search it. You hesitate – after all, you do not want to provide any evidence that might incriminate you, even if you have done nothing wrong. You have…

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