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Posted By Bill McAdams | May 25 2021 | Criminal Defense, Firm News

What is a wobbler offense in Colorado?

You may hear the term “wobbler offense” if you face drug-related charges in Colorado. Those in the legal system use this term to describe a crime that prosecutors can charge as either a misdemeanor or a felony. Review the factors that influence wobbler offenses in Colorado as well as examples of this type of charge….

Posted By Bill McAdams | May 6 2021 | Blog, Criminal Defense, Firm News

3 things to know about expunging a juvenile record in Colorado

From gaining the new freedom of a driver’s license to the influence of friends who may be experimenting with drugs, alcohol or other risky behaviors, the average American teenager faces many challenges before becoming a full adult. Fortunately, Colorado state law recognizes that even good kids may make mistakes. In many cases, it may be…

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