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Posted By Bill McAdams | February 14 2021 | DUI, Firm News

How to handle an interlock device extension notice

Colorado has some harsh penalties for driving under the influence of alcohol, often including the loss of driving privileges. To restore yours, you may be able to install an ignition interlock device on your vehicle. This device requires you to submit an alcohol-free breath sample both to start and to continue to drive your car,…

Posted By Bill McAdams | February 10 2021 | DUI, Firm News

What to do if an officer arrests you for DUI

After leaving a friend’s house where you had a few drinks, you see the alarming sight of red-and-blue lights in your rearview mirror. You fail the sobriety tests and the officer takes you to the station. Follow these steps if you experience an arrest for driving under the influence in Colorado. Comply with chemical testing…

Posted By Bill McAdams | February 1 2021 | Drunk Driving, Firm News

Who is a persistent drunk driver under Colorado law?

In the Centennial State, even a single conviction for driving while ability impaired or driving under the influence of alcohol may have significant legal penalties and serious life consequences. For example, you may lose your driving privileges, employment opportunities or even college scholarships. You may also spend some time in jail. If you become a…

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