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Posted By Bill McAdams | August 23 2020 | Criminal Defense, Firm News

Protection order violations

There are two main types of protection orders in the Centennial State. One is a civil order, commonly known as a restraining order. Courts issue this type of protection order to shield one person from another. The other type is a criminal mandatory protection order. In Colorado, courts initiate a protection order that limits the…

Posted By Bill McAdams | August 10 2020 | DUI, Firm News

Alcohol isn’t the only substance that leads to impaired driving

Driving under the influence (DUI) is one of the more common safety-related traffic violations that people commit. Most people mentally associate DUI charges with alcohol, and there is little question that alcohol is a factor in many serious car wrecks. Too many people underestimate how much impact alcohol has on their driving safety, a mistake…

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