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Posted By | May 28 2019 | Drunk Driving, DUI, DWAI, Firm News

Intoxicated driving may be riskier in rural areas

If you grew up in Weld County, you know how fun it can be to drive on the rural roads around Greeley. After all, few things are better than seeing distant mountains through miles of fields. Still, regardless of where you choose to drive, alcohol and motor vehicles do not mix.  Like most of your…

Posted By | May 13 2019 | Drunk Driving, DUI, DWAI, Felonies, Firm News, Traffic Offenses

A red license may help you get through suspension

If you have made a few mistakes on the road and found yourself on the receiving end of a license suspension, you may feel stuck. Without a driver’s license, you have to rely on carpools or public transportation to get you where you need to go. There is the possibility that you can obtain a…

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