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Posted By | February 28 2019 | Criminal Defense, Firm News

Understanding the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine

In all likelihood, you have never heard about the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine. Nevertheless, if you face criminal charges in Colorado, this long established legal doctrine could spell the difference between your conviction and your acquittal. The U.S. Supreme Court first hinted at the fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine in 1886 when…

Posted By | February 12 2019 | Drunk Driving, DUI, DWAI, Firm News, Traffic Offenses

What to know about wet reckless charges

Plenty of people think they can safely drive home from the bar while intoxicated. However, Colorado police are out in full force. In 2017 alone, police arrested over 10,000 Colorado residents on suspicion of DUI.  If you ever find yourself in custody over a DUI charge, then you need to go about the process wisely. That may…

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