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Posted By | December 13 2018 | Criminal Defense, DUI, Firm News, Traffic Offenses

How a DUI conviction can negatively impact your life

The last thing you want on your record is a DUI conviction, and you do not want to lose your freedom and spend substantial time in jail or prison. But have you ever thought about what other negative impacts a DUI conviction can have on your life? For instance, you could lose your driving privileges…

Posted By | December 4 2018 | Criminal Defense, Drunk Driving, DUI, Firm News, Traffic Offenses

How much do you know about DUIs in Colorado?

Many drunk drivers in Colorado are first-time offenders who have never previously faced the criminal justice system. An arrest for DUI can be a frightening experience, especially if your DUI is the result of a one-time bad choice or mistake. Whether you are facing a DUI charge or you are just curious to test your…

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