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Posted By | August 26 2016 | Felonies, Firm News

Our help can minimize the impact of sex offenses charges

The law demands that defendants be considered innocent unless definitively proven otherwise, but some defendants are not afforded that luxury. Individuals in Colorado who have been accused of committing sex offenses are often portrayed poorly in the media and in the eyes of the public. This type of early attention leaves many feeling hopeless against…

Posted By | August 18 2016 | Firm News, Theft & Property Crimes

Felony theft charges filed against fire chief, wife

A fire chief and his wife are currently both in Colorado police custody on allegations that they engaged in criminal behavior while the husband was employed at an area fire department. Both individuals face charges for felony theft, while the former fire chief is facing three other charges, two of which are also felonies. Bond…

Posted By | August 12 2016 | Drunk Driving, Firm News

Driver pleads not guilty to DUI-related charges in Colorado

Colorado state law does not treat drivers accused of being intoxicated behind the wheel lightly. A recent example of this includes a driver arrested on multiple counts of vehicular homicide — two involving DUI and another two for reckless driving. She has yet to post her bond, which was set at $50,000, and she is…

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