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Posted By | May 24 2016 | Criminal Defense, Firm News

Nurse behind bars on felony sex offenses charges

Allegations of sexual misconduct apparently followed a male nurse through multiple hospitals before Colorado police arrested him. While facing charges here, he is also licensed to practice in at least two other states. Facing multiple felony charges for sex offenses, he is currently behind bars awaiting another court appearance. An investigation was sparked when an…

Posted By | May 18 2016 | Drunk Driving, Firm News

DUI charges for marijuana may not be too solid

Colorado laws pertaining to the medicinal and recreational use of marijuana have changed drastically over the past several years, and other laws have had to adapt in response. Driving under the influence of prescription drugs has long been covered by DUI laws, and the law now sets parameters for marijuana. Similar to measuring a driver’s…

Posted By | May 12 2016 | Firm News, Theft & Property Crimes

Former bookkeeper dealing with felony theft charges

A 26-year-old bookkeeper is set to face a trial by jury later this year following her not guilty plea. Charged with multiple counts of felony theft, the woman’s arrest came after what authorities claim was some significant embezzlement on her part. However, since embezzlement is what is known as a nonviolent crime, even prosecutors think…

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