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Posted By | February 24 2016 | Drunk Driving, Firm News

Determining best defense for drunk driving charges in Colorado

While imbibing numerous alcoholic beverages and then getting behind the wheel of an automobile may be evidence of poor judgment, it does not, in and of itself, mean that someone is guilty of intoxicated driving. In Colorado and all other states, a person charged with drunk driving may present a defense against those charges in…

Posted By | February 18 2016 | Criminal Defense, Firm News

Man might address criminal defense while in psychiatric facility

Police believe that they have correctly identified a man responsible for a snowboarder’s serious fall from a chairlift. Prior to his arrest, the defendant had spent weeks in a Colorado psychiatric hospital. Although it is not yet clear if he has any criminal defense strategies in mind, he is possibly being transported to an out-of-state…

Posted By | February 11 2016 | Firm News, Theft & Property Crimes

Fire sparks property crimes charges for homeless man

A homeless man has been arrested in connection with a fire that destroyed at least eight different storage units and damaged others at a Colorado self-storage company. His charges for the alleged property crimes include arson and criminal impersonation. The storage unit company has yet to release an estimate of the financial damages. The 36-year-old…

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