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Posted By | April 30 2015 | Drunk Driving, Firm News

Colorado man faces DUI, other charges

When an individual is charged with a crime, there could be considerable cause to explore legal options. The options available could depend heavily on the charges that a party is facing. Individuals who have had DUI allegations leveled against him or her may wish to follow a different avenue than parties facing other charges. Because…

Posted By | April 22 2015 | Criminal Defense, Firm News

Colorado man’s mental state may be used in criminal defense

When an individual is not in the right state of mind, he or she may make statements or carry out actions that other parties may consider inappropriate or even illegal. If the situation becomes a legal matter, charges could be filed. As a result, an individual may want to determine how his or her mental…

Posted By | April 15 2015 | Firm News, Theft & Property Crimes

Colorado woman pleads guilty to theft, other charges

The legal system is in place in order to allow individuals to have the opportunity to defend against allegations that may be leveled against them. Rather than simply being charged with a crime and sentenced, accused parties have options to consider, such as creating a defense or possibly pleading guilty. If a party is facing…

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