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Posted By | November 26 2014 | Drunk Driving, Firm News

Woman charged with DUI after fatal crash

DUI charges are often daunting for people who are charged, especially when the possibility of being convicted is very real. DUI charges that are tied to a fatality up the stakes even more, as a conviction could carry serious consequences. For one Colorado woman recently arrested for a DUI in connection with a fatal accident, fear of…

Posted By | November 18 2014 | Criminal Defense, Firm News

Colorado daycare owner charged with child abuse

When parents drop their children off at a daycare center, they expect that their children are being well taken care of. Unfortunately, some Colorado daycare workers are subjected to allegations of child abuse that could cost them their job and their freedom. A woman has been arrested for suspicion of child abuse. The woman was…

Posted By | November 14 2014 | Drunk Driving, Firm News

Challenging a Colorado DUI charge

The criminal penalties associated with a Colorado drunk driving conviction are not the only potential consequences an accused individual faces. Nearly every aspect of your life can be affected. Fortunately, just because you are charged with DUI does not mean that you will be convicted. For example, the breath test given by a law enforcement…

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