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Posted By | August 29 2014 | Drunk Driving, Firm News

Driver reports striking pedestrian, is charged with drunk driving

A man who called the police to report that he had backed over a pedestrian behind his car was arrested on suspicion of DUI recently. The Colorado Springs Police arrested the 47-year-old suspect for drunk driving after responding to his call. He reportedly was driving down the side of a poorly lit residence to a…

Posted By | August 22 2014 | Criminal Defense, Firm News

Police charge former Denver cop with sex offenses

In Colorado and every other state, there is a large body of statutory provisions designed to control and monitor the actions of convicted sex offenders. Those who are convicted of sex offenses may be required to register as a sex offender. For some crimes, the registration period may be for the remainder of the offender’s…

Posted By | August 12 2014 | Criminal Defense, Firm News

7 juveniles must present criminal defense to riot charges

Juveniles are charged with crimes in many cases just like adults. Nonetheless, the system of prosecuting juveniles is quite a bit different from the prosecution of adults. When dealing with juveniles, the system provides more flexibility in presenting a criminal defense and several more alternative programs in place of the far more severe penalties in…

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